Summary: Negative Experiences

HEDS Diversity and Equity 校园 Climate Survey
Frostburg State University -
Released 06/25/2021 

In the graphs below, we show results related to hearing insensitive or disparaging remarks as well as experiencing discrimination or harassment. 在澳门十大赌城官方网站的分析, we've found that having these experiences influences all of the measures of campus climate we reviewed on the previous worksheet of this report. 具体地说, the more often people (a) hear insensitive or disparaging remarks about people's identity or (b) experience discrimination or harassment:

  • The more negative their views are on overall campus climate
  • The more they believe that their campus has tensions related to individual or group identity
  • The less satisfied they are with how welcoming their institution is to all members of the community, the less likely they are to believe that diversity improves interactions and experiences on
  • The less comfortable they are sharing their views on diversity and equity

Insensitive or Disparaging Remarks

 complex bar graph displaying Insensitive or Disparaging Remarks chart 

Discrimination and Harassment

In the survey, respondents saw the following definitions of discrimination and harassment:

  • Discrimination is the unfavorable treatment of a person based on that person’s race, 种族, 国家的起源, socioeconomic status, 年龄, perceived or actual physical or mental disability, 怀孕, 性, 性ual orientation, 性别认同, 婚姻状况, 信条, 宗教, or political beliefs.

  • Harassment is a form of discrimination consisting of physical or verbal conduct that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual because of their race, 种族, 国家的起源, socioeconomic status, 年龄, perceived or actual physical or mental disability, 怀孕, 性, 性ual orientation, 性别认同, 婚姻状况, 信条, 宗教, or political beliefs. Harassment occurs when the conduct is sufficiently severe and/or pervasive that it alters the terms or conditions of employment or substantially limits the ability of a student to participate in or benefit from the college’s educational and/or social programs.

Have you ever been discriminated against or harassed on this campus, at an off-campus residence, or at an off-campus program/event affiliated with this institution? (Q13)

complex bar graph displaying Discrimination and Harassment chart

Did any of these incidents of discrimination or harassment at this institution occur in the last year? (Q15)*

complex bar graph displaying Discrimination and Harassmemt at institution chart

*This question only appeared to respondents who indicated they had experienced discrimination or harassment in Q13.

Source of Insensitive/Disparaging Remarks and Discrimination/Harassment

Source of Insensitive/Disparaging Remarks - % of Respondents Who Selected Each Source (Q11)

complex bar graph displaying Source of Remarks chart

Source of Discrimination/Harassment - % of Respondents Who Selected Each Source (Q18)*

complex bar graph displaying Source for remarks aor harassment chart

*This question only appeared to respondents who indicated they had experienced discrimination or harassment in Q13.